Johannes Höhn, Bundsandsteinroute

Hoarfrost, fog, winter sunWinter hiking

Hoarfrost covers meadows and trees, there is a relaxing silence in the forest and the clear air really clears your head. With a bit of luck, you might even be surprised by the first delicate snowflakes or trudge through powdery deep snow on snowshoes. But whether with or without snow, in sub-zero temperatures or on mild winter days - hiking in winter is always possible. We show you the most beautiful places and trails for your hiking experience.

Fichtenwald mit Schnee und Sonnenlicht
Johannes Höhn, Tourismus NRW e.V., Fichtenwald mit Schnee und Sonnenlicht in Winterberg im Sauerland

Winter paradiseSauerland

Of course, there is no guarantee of snow, but if the landscape is covered in white powder, it's time to put on your warm winter boots! The Sauerland offers hikers special winter hiking trails, sometimes even through deep snow. Other paths are cleared in good time so that they are pleasant to walk on again - and the white snow glistens to the right and left of the path. The premium winter hiking trails around Winterberg are categorised as "cleared", "rolled" and "natural".

On snowshoes, also known as bear paws, you can walk together through the snow-covered natural landscapes of Winterberg. The tours take place during the day or in the evening, after dark. And for those who prefer tobogganing, a very special experience awaits in the Sauerland: together with a guide, you can explore the natural landscape between Kahlen-Asten and Neuastenberg. The destination is the toboggan run in the Postwiese ski area. Here you can toboggan under floodlights.

Winter hiking trails in the Sauerland

Braving the coldOur favourite Sauerland winter hiking trails

  • Kerstin Berens, Naturpark Sauerland Rothaargebirge
    Sauerland-Höhenflug: Winterwanderung rund um den Kahlen Asten
    Winter tour
    Carefree hiking fun on cleared paths on what is probably the most famous mountain in NRW: the Kahler Asten.
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  • Hennesee winter hiking trail
    Tourist-Informationen Rund um den Hennesee, Ferienregion Hennesee, Hennesee winter hiking trail
    Winterwandern am Hennesee
    Discover winter hiking at Lake Henne, a family-friendly experience with picturesque scenery and numerous places to stop for refreshments.
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Half-timbered houses & natural idyllSiegen-Wittgenstein

Cold air that tickles your nose, crunching frost or even snow under your hiking boots and a glistening winter wonderland: discover forests, breathtaking views and cosy huts that await you with warm drinks and regional delicacies. Whether on the Rothaarsteig trail or small, winding paths - in the Siegen-Wittgenstein region, winter is the perfect backdrop for your next outdoor adventure.

Freudenberg in Siegerland is particularly well suited to winter. The town is known for its picturesque old town centre. The "Alte Flecken", as the pretty town centre is known, is a magnet for lovers of half-timbered houses and romanticism. After a devastating town fire in the 17th century, the old town centre was completely rebuilt according to its 1540 model and has been preserved to this day. The "Freudenberger Fachwerkweg" (Freudenberg half-timbered trail) offers particularly beautiful views of the town centre, a twelve-kilometre circular tour that leads through forests and across meadows once around Freudenberg. And in the cold, clear winter air, hikers can see particularly far.

Tourismus NRW e.V., Leo Thomas, Fachwerhäuser Alter Flecken Freudenberg
Tourismus NRW e.V., Leo Thomas, Fachwerhäuser Alter Flecken Freudenberg
Leo Thomas, Alter Flecken Freudenberg Wanderin vor der Fachwerkgasse
Leo Thomas, Alter Flecken Freudenberg Wanderin vor der Fachwerkgasse
Johannes Höhn, Weierbachtal Morgen
Johannes Höhn, Weierbachtal Morgen

Do you already know them?Siegen-Wittgenstein winter hiking trails

  • View from the Ginsburg in winter
    Klaus-Peter Kappest, Rothaarsteigverein e.V., View from the Ginsburg in winter
    Rothaarsteig von Vormwald nach Lützel
    Winter tour
    The tour, which is connected to local public transport, takes you up high. Those who dare to make the ascent will be rewarded with wonderful views of the snow-covered landscape
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  • "Alter Flecken", Freudenberg
    Leo Thomas, Tourismus NRW e.V., "Alter Flecken", Freudenberg
    Fachwerkweg Freudenberg (Freudenberg half-timbered building path)
    The Freudenberg half-timbered trail invites you on a historical journey through time, starting in the idyllic little half-timbered town. Wonderful natural passages lead to an old smelting site. In addition to great views, a 400 m long tunnel passage is one of the highlights of the tour.
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Schneebedeckter Wald im Nationalpark Eifel
Johannes Höhn, Tourismus NRW e.V., Schneebedeckter Wald im Nationalpark Eifel

Star Park & StruffeltrouteEifel

It gets dark earlier in winter - but who says you can't make the most of it? In the Eifel National Park, hikers use the dark time of year for stargazing. Because in the wild nature of the huge park, the darkness is not broken by the bright lights of the cities and so visitors can see the Milky Way with the naked eye. On clear winter evenings, a trip to Germany's first star park is therefore well worthwhile.

Those who enjoy hiking tours all year round will also find what they are looking for in the Eifel in winter. Short tours for short days - through and around the unique nature of the Eifel National Park.

Winter hiking in the Eifel

Places & pathsWinter in the Eifel

  • Struffelt Heath in winter, Eifel
    Eifel Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz, Struffelt Heath in winter, Eifel
    Circular hike around the Dreilägerbach dam through the Struffelte Heath
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  • Urft dam View of the dam
    Tourismus NRW e.V., Urft dam View of the dam
    Nationalpark Eifel
    Forest, water and wilderness in the Eifel National Park - Deep blue lakes and rivers, lively babbling brooks, wide reservoirs, wooded mountain ranges, wild daffodils and orchids - the Eifel National Park covers an area of around 110 square kilometers in the middle of the transnational Hohes Venn Eifel Nature Park. At times it is rugged and wild, at others delicate and filigree. There are many facets to this large protected area.
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  • Starry sky in the Eifel National Park
    Tourismus NRW e.V., Tourismus NRW e.V., Starry sky in the Eifel National Park
    Sternenpark Eifel National Park
    The star park in the Eifel National Park offers a breathtaking view of the night sky. The low lighting and sparse population minimise light pollution so that the Milky Way and the constellations of the solar system are clearly visible. Star tours, offered by Sternen Guides and the astronomy workshop ‘Stars without Borders’, allow visitors to experience the fascination of the starry night sky in the Eifel.
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Luminous industrial cultureTorchlight hikes in the Ruhr region

After dark, the Duisburg-Nord Landscape Park around the disused ironworks always shines in colourful light. During the winter torchlight tours, a few more lights are added: with torches in their hands, participants follow a former smelter who shows them his former workplace on the tour through the Landscape Park. At the end of the three-hour tour, there is a mulled wine in the main switch house to ward off the cold. There are also evening voyages of discovery in Witten. By torchlight, the tour takes you through the Muttental valley to learn about the region's mining history.

Click here for the torchlight hikes
Tourismus NRW e.V., Landschaftspark Duisburg Nord im Winter
Tourismus NRW e.V., Landschaftspark Duisburg Nord im Winter
Tourismus NRW e.V., Landschaftspark Duisburg Nord im Winter
Tourismus NRW e.V., Landschaftspark Duisburg Nord im Winter
Tourismus NRW e.V., Landschaftspark Duisburg Nord bei Nacht
Tourismus NRW e.V., Landschaftspark Duisburg Nord bei Nacht
Schloss Nordkirchen Sonnenuntergang
Johannes Höhn, Schloss Nordkirchen Sonnenuntergang

Around the castleNordkirchen hiking trails

On some winter days, it is simply too cold or too wet for long hikes. Short circular routes are then a great alternative. In Münsterland, various trails lead around Nordkirchen Castle, which is also known as the Versailles of Westphalia. The 3.5 kilometre bat trail, for example, leads directly past Nordkirchen Castle and winds its way through old avenues and past amphibian ponds. The oak leaf and imperial cloak circular trails offer further opportunities for short hikes. And if you feel like hiking in the clear air and bright sunshine, the 12-kilometre "From Castle to Castle" trail takes you from Nordkirchen Castle to Westerwinkel Castle.

Click here for the hiking trails
I pack my bag ...

What should not be missing on a winter hike?

  • Sandwiches & snacks
  • Pocket warmer
  • Thermos flask (preferably with delicious hot chocolate or warming mulled wine)
  • Good friends and family to share special impressions

And what else?More winter experiences

  • Sorpesee
    Klaus-Peter Kappest, Sorpesee
    The perfect winter day for ...
    Whether you're a frostbite, winter sports fan or have a sweet tooth - here you'll find tips for your perfect winter day. With special overnight accommodation.
    Learn more
  • Pralinen werden befüllt
    Ralph Sondermann, Tourismus NRW e.V., Pralinen werden befüllt im Schokoladenmuseum Köln
    Chocolate time
    Learn more
  • Wald mit verschneiten Baumkronen und Sonneneinstrahlung
    Jan Neus, Tourismus NRW e.V., Wald mit verschneiten Baumkronen und Sonneneinstrahlung im Sauerland
    Winter moments of happiness
    Whether it's a goose safari, glowing slag heap art or winter hiking tips: Here are ideas for excursions that will ensure moments of happiness even on dull winter days in North Rhine-Westphalia.
    Learn more