A brick façade, an Art Nouveau portal and two winding towers characterize the Zollern colliery in Dortmund
Ruhr Tourismus, Jochen Schlutius, A brick façade, an Art Nouveau portal and two winding towers characterize the Zollern colliery in Dortmund

LWL-Museum Zeche Zollern


LWL-Industriemuseum Zeche Zollern - The castle among the collieries

From the very first glance at the former Zollern colliery, true "Pottkinder" and tourists know that it is something very special. And the first impression is not deceptive! Formerly known as the "Castle of Work", the colliery in Dortmund impresses with a façade that is in no way inferior to the residences of many aristocrats. The lovingly designed museum is also worth a visit!

How the most beautiful colliery in the Ruhr area was built

Built around 1900, the Zollern colliery was intended from the outset to be the model colliery of the Ruhr region, symbolizing prosperity and progress. Fortunately for us, it survived the Second World War relatively unscathed, which is why you can still enjoy the fantastic view from the winding tower today. Some parts of the accessible mine are also still in their original condition.

What is hidden behind the pretty brick façade today?

While coal was once mined here, the LWL Zollern Colliery Industrial Museum now impressively tells you the stories of the men and women who worked underground for years. The presentation of the social and cultural history of mining in the Ruhr area shows exemplary life stories of the workers and authentic exhibits: a visit to the museum quickly becomes a short journey into the time of coal dust and industrial culture. On the museum grounds you will also find a great playground and the "Pferdestall" restaurant, which serves Ruhr Valley delicacies such as Westfalenburger, Panhas and Dortmunder Krüstchen.

Important information at a glance

  • Tuesday - Sunday and bank holidays: 10:00 - 18:00
    Last admission: 5:30 pm

    Closed on Mondays (except public holidays)

    Closed today
    Tuesday10:00 - 18:00
    Wednesday10:00 - 18:00
    Thursday10:00 - 18:00
    Friday10:00 - 18:00
    Saturday10:00 - 18:00
    Sunday10:00 - 18:00

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