Photogenic blaze of colourCherry blossom season

When the cherry trees blossom in spring, usually around the end of March or beginning of April, there are magical natural spectacles to be seen in many places in North Rhine-Westphalia. Photography fans in particular are delighted by the photogenic blaze of colour in pink, white and pink. We show you our five favourite cherry blossom spots in North Rhine-Westphalia, which you should visit for more than just the impressive cherry trees.

Top 5Cherry blossom places

Cherry blossom in Bonn
Johannes Höhn, Tourismus NRW e.V., Cherry blossom in Bonn
Rosa Pracht vor AltbaufassadenLearn more
Zeche Zollverein Ruhrgebiet Panorama
Tourismus NRW e.V., Zeche Zollverein Ruhrgebiet Panorama
Strolling under cherry blossomsLearn more
Bielefeld Blick auf Neustädter Marienkirche vom Aussichtspunkt
Leo Thomas, Bielefeld Blick auf Neustädter Marienkirche vom Aussichtspunkt
Springtime city walksLearn more
Aasee Münster Pardo Steg
Thomas Branse, Aasee Münster Pardo Steg
Schulstraße in MünsterLearn more
Sea of flowers in the castle garden
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  • Top 5Cherry blossom places

    Rosa Pracht vor Altbaufassaden

    Kirschblüten? Dann ist die Antwort: Bonn. Denn der wohl bekannteste Kirschblüten-Spot in NRW ist Bonn. An der Heerstraße und Breite Straße kann es schon mal richtig voll werden. Dann kannst Du in den Cafés und Restaurants am Straßenrad die Zeit überbrücken, bis die Straße frei ist für das perfekte Foto. Oder Du besuchst die Straßen fernab der Wochenenden und Feiertage. Dann kannst Du hier gemütlich schlendern und Dich von der rosa Pracht beeindrucken lassen. 

    Mehr zur Kirschblüte in Bonn
    Cherry blossom in Bonn
    Johannes Höhn, Tourismus NRW e.V., Cherry blossom in Bonn
  • Top 5Cherry blossom places

    Strolling under cherry blossoms

    Rüttenscheider Straße in Essen, also affectionately known as RÜ, is known for its small shops, cafés and restaurants. Here you can not only marvel at the cherry blossom, but also stroll up and down the street - for a springtime shopping experience. And afterwards, you can stop off at one of the many cafés or restaurants for refreshments. This gives "enjoying spring" a whole new meaning.

    More about cherry blossoms in Essen
    Zeche Zollverein Ruhrgebiet Panorama
    Tourismus NRW e.V., Zeche Zollverein Ruhrgebiet Panorama
  • Top 5Cherry blossom places

    Springtime city walks

    In Bielefeld, around 240 Japanese cherry trees bloom on the street "Auf dem Langen Kampe" every spring, forming a beautiful cherry blossom avenue. Bielefeld is also perfect for an urban hiking tour. Bielefeld's Old Town, Sparrenburg Castle, the Botanical Gardens or a trip to the neighbouring Teutoburg Forest - Bielefeld is city and nature at its best. And urban hiking is especially fun in spring.

    Urban Hiking in Bielefeld
    Bielefeld Blick auf Neustädter Marienkirche vom Aussichtspunkt
    Leo Thomas, Bielefeld Blick auf Neustädter Marienkirche vom Aussichtspunkt
  • Top 5Cherry blossom places

    Schulstraße in Münster

    Every April, Schulstraße in Münster's Kreuzviertel district is transformed into a sea of pink blossom when the Japanese cherry trees are in full bloom. For around 30 years, the blossoming cherry trees on the southern section between Lazarettstraße and "Mutter Birken" have attracted numerous photography enthusiasts from all over Germany. But even for those who are not looking for the perfect photo, but simply want to enjoy the beauty of nature, it is worth strolling along here and experiencing spring.

    More about the cherry blossom in Münster
    Aasee Münster Pardo Steg
    Thomas Branse, Aasee Münster Pardo Steg
  • Top 5Cherry blossom places

    Sea of flowers in the castle garden

    The pink of the flowers, the green of the park and the sandstone wall of the castle create an enchanting composition. The baroque Westerwinkel Castle in Münsterland near Ascheberg was built in the middle of an English garden and invites you to take a stroll. The outdoor area is accessible at all times. In general, the Münsterland region with its castles and palaces, hiking and cycling trails is the ideal holiday destination for spring lovers.

    More about the cherry blossom in Münsterland

Fancy more outdoor experiences?Spring fever

  • Get out into the fresh air!Spring feverLearn more
  • Schmalah See in Olsberg im Sauerland
    Johannes Höhn, Tourismus NRW e.V., Schmalah See in Olsberg, Sauerland
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    Johannes Höhn, Dingdener Heide Person sitzt im Schwebezelt
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