Blick von oben auf Felsen, die von Wasser und Wald eingerahmt werden.
Max Fischer @iamarux, Tourismus NRW e.V., Externsteine von oben

Naturally romanticNatural wonders

Caves, ice age animals and rock formations with an exciting past and breathtaking views: Nature in NRW has created true wonders over the course of time.

Wild horses, Ice Age game reserve
Tourismus NRW e.V., Wild horses, Ice Age game reserve
Open today
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  • Neandertal
    Wild horses, Ice Age game reserve
    Tourismus NRW e.V., Wild horses, Ice Age game reserve
    Open today
    A visit to the Neandertal is a journey into the past of man and nature: Ice Age animals can be found here as well as traces of the famous Neanderthal man.
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  • Atta Cave
    Atta cave in Attendorn
    Attendorner Tropfsteinhöhle, Atta cave in Attendorn
    Open today
    What they saw behind the cloud of dust in the rock during blasting in the summer of 1907 left the quarry workers in the Sauerland region breathless: a labyrinth of wonderfully shaped stalactites opened up before their eyes. Artfully grown stalagmites and stalactites emerged from the darkness like stone curtains hanging from the rock ceiling - more impressive than any sculptor could have created.
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  • Externsteine
    Externsteine in Horn Bad Meinberg, Teutoburg Forest
    Tourismus NRW e.V., Externsteine in Horn Bad Meinberg, Teutoburg Forest
    Horn-Bad Meinberg
    Open today
    Imagine standing in front of gigantic rocks that jut out of the earth like giant spikes and reach towards the sky. The Externsteine in the Teutoburg Forest are just such an impressive natural wonder. These mighty sandstone formations tell a fascinating story that takes you into the depths of the earth's history and beyond.
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  • Eifel National Park
    Urft dam View of the dam
    Tourismus NRW e.V., Urft dam View of the dam
    In North Rhine-Westphalia's only national park, nature does what it wants. And that's a good thing. Discover the wild and impetuous landscape in the Eifel. Alone, with the family or accompanied by a ranger.
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  • Bruchhauser Steine
    Bruchhauser Steine at sunrise, Sauerland
    Johannes Höhn, Tourismus NRW e.V., Bruchhauser Steine at sunrise, Sauerland
    Open today
    Numerous plant and animal species, the special geological history and ramparts from the Iron Age make the rocks near Olsberg a National Natural Monument in NRW and a true natural wonder.
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  • Kluterthöhle cave
    The air in the cave is almost free of dirt particles
    Tourismus NRW e.V., The air in the cave is almost free of dirt particles
    Open today
    The Kluterthöhle cave in Ennepetal not only offers an impressive natural spectacle of underground lakes, mysterious passages and fossilized creatures, it is also a "climate cave" and the venue for extraordinary cultural events.
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Fancy more?Have a look here!

  • Schmalah See in Olsberg im Sauerland
    Johannes Höhn, Tourismus NRW e.V., Schmalah See in Olsberg, Sauerland
    Travelling in natureOutdoorLearn more
  • Burg Vischering Blick auf den Hof vom Ufer
    Tourismus NRW e.V., Burg Vischering Blick auf den Hof vom Ufer
    From outdoor adventures to cultural tripsExperiencesLearn more
  • NRW's highlight routesTop TrailsLearn more