See im Naturschutzgebiet Dingdener Heide im Sonnenuntergang
Johannes Höhn, Tourismus NRW e.v., See im Naturschutzgebiet Dingdener Heide im Sonnenuntergang

History meets rural idyllLower rhine

Radfahrende auf Brücke Klever Tor
Johannes Höhn, Radfahrende auf Brücke Klever Tor
Lower rhineTell us about it!

Today it's more manageable and cosy where I live. Some people even claim that the landscape on the Lower rhine is so wide and flat that you can already see today who is coming to visit tomorrow ... However, in the past, around 400 years ago, the region not far from today's state capital Düsseldorf was a hive of activity. Because when the Romans settled here, the Colonia Ulpa Traiana was one of the largest metropolises in the Germanic provinces of Rome.

Don't believe me? Then come to Xanten and visit Germany's largest open-air archaeological museum to see what it looked like back then and what it was like when the gladiators entered the large amphitheatre. Can you hear the roar?

Or perhaps you can hear the chattering of the wild geese that winter here in their thousands every year. My typical meadow and moorland landscapes are very popular. Also with cyclists, by the way. They appreciate my landscape above all because there are no mountains here and many small farm cafés always smell of freshly brewed coffee and home-baked cake. So don't rush!

Make your "Niederrhein" experience perfect

Want more tips?

  • Enjoy the sunset by an oversized miner's lamp
  • Off to the North or South Sea, because both are available in NRW
  • Marvel at the romantic moated castle of Moyland
  • Spend the night in an unusual way? Take the floating tent!
  • Or the houseboat?

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  • Ruhr area
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  • Biggesee aus der Luft
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  • Fichtenwald Rothaargebirge
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