Tourismus NRW e.V., Neyetalsperre

Blue wonder in the forestAround the Neyetalsperre dam

Light-footed around the lakeLively from branch to branch

On one side, there is a dense forest with many tall beech trees that let in just enough sunlight to keep the hike cool but not dark. On the other side, the water of the dam flashes up again and again between the loose bushes and trees. Simply marvellous! This makes for a relaxed hike even on warm days, especially as hiking boots are not necessary for this circular tour. Silke, for example, walked the eleven-kilometre circular route around the Neyetalsperre reservoir in light trainers - and this was not the only reason why she was able to walk the route on well-maintained forest paths with such ease. Idyllic places to take a break and surprising discoveries along the way made for an enjoyable hike. By the way: although the path is not specially signposted, it is virtually impossible to get lost as it runs close to the water almost the entire time.

The best of both worldsWater and forest

I love the forest with its scents and sounds, but I also really enjoy letting my gaze wander into the distance. This path makes both possible: I can hear birdsong, the rustling of leaves and the tapping of a woodpecker, but on the other side I can see the water almost all the time. In some places, the path leads right up to the shore and offers particularly wide panoramic views - and plenty of peace and quiet. The dam is part of a nature reserve, the banks are completely undeveloped and swimming and water sports are not permitted here, unlike at the neighbouring Bever dam, for example. I prefer hiking to swimming and have taken the Neyetalsperre to my heart. There are special places for really nice breaks both in the forest and by the water: Sometimes two tree trunks in the shape of a stool, sometimes a bench with a dedication: "Linger, you are so beautiful!" is written on a plaque "For Manfred on his 80th birthday" - and I can really understand the wish.

Tourismus NRW e.V., Neyetalsperre
Tourismus NRW e.V., Neyetalsperre
Tourismus NRW e.V., Neyetalsperre
Tourismus NRW e.V., Neyetalsperre
Tourismus NRW e.V., Neyetalsperre

Building with a panoramic viewOn the dam wall

The highlight of the tour is the dam wall, which offers beautiful views of the water and the surrounding forest. Depending on where you start the tour and which direction you take, you will either cross it at the beginning or end of the hike. I saved this highlight for the end and started from the hikers' car park near Oberröttenscheid and circumnavigated the dam in a clockwise direction. Along the way, I could see the structure from time to time in the distance, which not only gave me a sense of anticipation, but also amazed me. The reservoir has an elongated shape with many narrow bulges and branches. I sometimes walked at a steady pace for quite some time - and still didn't get much closer to the dam wall at the next sighting. On one of the numerous benches, which are mainly located at beautiful viewpoints, I can take my time to process my surprise and enjoy the view. Whoever eats all the food along the way: Near the dam wall, the Gasthaus zur Neyetalsperre offers breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as snacks to go all day except Mondays - making it a suitable start and finish point for this tour.

Stops along the way and a destination worth a detour: keep your eyes peeled, you shouldn't miss these places.

Favourite places

  • Forester's lodge: At one end of the dam wall, an old forester's lodge rises above the lake. The large half-timbered building is idyllically situated in a large garden and even has a smaller, but no less pretty outbuilding. Covered picnic tables allow hikers to take a break and enjoy a little dream trip into the imagination of living here.
  • Rest area with a heart: If you have discovered your heart for the Neyetalsperre - or even if you haven't - you simply have to love this rest area, regardless of the shape of the wooden backrest in red. The mossy tree stump lies slightly above the water level on a small bank slope so that you can dangle your legs during your break.
  • Market square in Wipperfürth: Wipperfürth is just a few kilometres from the Neyetalsperre dam and offers cafés and restaurants, particularly around the pretty market square, for refreshments before or after a hike - or both.

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