Beethovenwanderweg Blick auf Drachenfels
Tourismus NRW e.V., Beethovenwanderweg Blick auf Drachenfels

In search of clues in the SiebengebirgeBeethoven hiking trail

Was Beethoven also out of breath? That's what we ask ourselves on every ascent of the 15-kilometre Beethoven Hiking Trail. And there are quite a few of them. Most of the trail runs along sections of the Rheinsteig. But it's worth it - because every ascent, no matter how strenuous, is rewarded with a breathtaking view over the Siebengebirge and the Rhine Valley, so that we realise during the hike why Beethoven found inspiration for his work in the nature of this region.

Our tip: plan plenty of time - because there is plenty to discover along the way.

Beethovenwanderweg Drachenfels Aussicht Bonn
Tourismus NRW e.V., Beethovenwanderweg Drachenfels Aussicht Bonn

Up to the DrachenfelsA legendary place

The first steep ascent challenges us right at the start: We start the tour in the Nachtigallental valley - anti-clockwise - with a direct route to the castle ruins on the Drachenfels, the setting for the legendary saga of Siegfried the Dragon Slayer. Halfway to the summit, Drachenburg Castle can be seen through the trees. The imposing building is suitable for a first short stop or a longer visit. We opt for the short option and continue along the so-called donkey path towards the castle ruins. Once we reach the top, our efforts are rewarded with an impressive view of the Rhine Valley. An almost mystical atmosphere.

On the trail of the composerB for Beethoven

It is a white B with a Beethoven profile on a green background that we follow - sometimes by a tree, sometimes on a stone. Every now and then you have to be particularly careful not to take a wrong turn.

Born and raised in Bonn, Beethoven regularly took a boat across the Rhine to Petersberg and the Siebengebirge mountains as a teenager and thus discovered his love of nature. It was a source of inspiration for him - for work, but also for daydreaming. We also encounter Beethoven's footsteps on our way and try to empathise with how he must have felt in the forests of the Siebengebirge.

"No man can love the land as I do, for forests, trees and rocks give the echo that man desires", Ludwig van Beethoven.

Tourismus NRW e.V., Beethovenwanderweg Blick auf Drachenfels Schild
Tourismus NRW e.V., Beethovenwanderweg Blick auf Drachenfels Schild
Tourismus NRW e.V., Beethovenwanderweg Markierung
Tourismus NRW e.V., Beethovenwanderweg Markierung
Beethovenwanderweg Kloster Heisterbach Klosterruine
Tourismus NRW e.V., Beethovenwanderweg Kloster Heisterbach Klosterruine

Visit to monksHeisterbach monastery landscape

In Beethoven's time, the Heisterbach monks left their mark on Bonn and the surrounding area. Back then, Heisterbach Monastery was still in full bloom - today, an impressive choir ruin is the most significant relic of the former monastery complex. We take a short break in the sun on the large meadow in front of the ruins and soak up the calming atmosphere on the monastery grounds before a final, sweat-inducing climb takes us up the Petersberg.

To the most beautiful viewpointsUp and down

Geisberg, Stenzelberg, Weilberg - these are just a few of the numerous mountains and viewpoints that we climb along the way. Probably the most challenging climb takes us up the Petersberg. Maybe it's because we've been travelling all day. Once we reach the top, we can once again enjoy a breathtaking view of the romantic Rhine. We secretly wish that the grand hotel with spa on the mountain top would spontaneously have a place free for us. On the descent, a plaque reminds us how Beethoven found happiness in the forest, while we descend to Königswinter on the Bittweg - with tired legs, but perfectly happy thanks to this day trip in the beautiful nature of the Siebengebirge.

Tourismus NRW e.V., Beethovenwanderung Schloss Drachenburg
Tourismus NRW e.V., Beethovenwanderung Schloss Drachenburg
Tourismus NRW e.V., Beethovenwanderweg Petersberg Ausblick
Tourismus NRW e.V., Beethovenwanderweg Petersberg Ausblick
On the highest mountains or in legendary places - we show you our favourite places along the Beethoven Hiking Trail:

Our favourite places

  • Drachenfels castle ruins: legend has it that Siegfried, the hero from the Song of the Nibelungs, killed the dragon Fafnir here. A magical place and a fantastic view of the Rhine from a height of 321 metres.
  • Former quarry on the Stenzelberg: past metre-high rock faces and with a sweeping panoramic view of Bonn, a narrow path winds its way through the surreal-looking landscape on the Stenzelberg.
  • Summit cross: At 310 metres above sea level, there is a small summit cross on the Schallenberg - ideal for enjoying the view of the Siebengebirge and taking a photo.

Fancy more?Have a look here!

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