View of Augustusburg Castle
Johannes Höhn, Tourismus NRW e.V., View of Augustusburg Castle

UNESCO World Heritage in NRWNRW's most important cultural monuments

Emperors and electors, churchmen and great industrialists have left their mark on North Rhine-Westphalia. Five of their magnificent buildings and one historic border are now on the Unesco World Heritage List: Imposing cathedrals, magnificent palaces, monuments from Roman times, a mighty former Benedictine abbey and the most beautiful colliery in the world tell their impressive stories.

  • Hannah Gatzweiler
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  • Cologne Cathedral
    Johannes Höhn, Tourismus NRW e.V., Cologne Cathedral
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  • The UNESCO World Heritage Site Augustusburg Castle is located in Brühl near Cologne
    Horst Gummersbach, The UNESCO World Heritage Site Augustusburg Castle is located in Brühl near Cologne
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  • The harbor temple of the Colonia Ulpia Traiana was the second largest temple in the city on the Lower Germanic Limes after the Capitol
    Axel Thuenker DGPh, The harbor temple of the Colonia Ulpia Traiana was the second largest temple in the city on the Lower Germanic Limes after the Capitol
    XantenUNESCO World Heritage Site Lower German LimesLearn more
  • The former monastery and present-day Corvey Castle is home to the Ducal House of Ratibor and Corvey
    Tourismus NRW e.V., The former monastery and present-day Corvey Castle is home to the Ducal House of Ratibor and Corvey
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  • The Doppelbock winding tower is the landmark of the Zollverein UNESCO World Heritage Site
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360° World Heritage panoramas

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  • Der Kölner Dom steht bei Touristen wie bei Pilgern gleichermaßen hoch im Kurs
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  • Die ehemalige Klosteranlage Corvey ist als erstes Bauwerk Westfalens 2014 mit dem UNESCO-Welterbetitel ausgezeichnet worden
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  • Der barocke Prunk der Schlösser Brühl verschlägt den Besuchern schier den Atem
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  • Der Industriekomplex Zeche und Kokerei Zollverein gilt als eines der imposantesten Industriedenkmäler der Welt
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    360°-Zeche Zollverein
  • Säulen und ein Teil des Daches bilden den Nachbau eines römischen Tempels.
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    Flugmodus starten!
    Flugmodus starten!