Im Keramion spiegelt sich Design-Geschichte wider. Das Spezialmuseum präsentiert eine außergewöhnliche Sammlung moderner Keramik
Tourismus NRW e.V., Im Keramion spiegelt sich Design-Geschichte wider. Das Spezialmuseum präsentiert eine außergewöhnliche Sammlung moderner Keramik

ManufactoriesDesign by master craftsmen

Craft and production have a long tradition in North Rhine-Westphalia. And the stories about them say a lot about the people who have shaped the Rhineland and Westphalia-Lippe. The true stories of the simple weaver, the cutler and the resourceful industrialist live on in many factory buildings, most of which have been preserved in their original state. Short-break travellers can experience historic looms in operation when they visit the nearest well-preserved production site on a walk through a textile town such as Krefeld or Mönchengladbach. On a museum tour in Solingen, you can see for yourself how a fine knife is moulded from red-hot steel. What the forefathers were still able to do is brought back to life and what real quality is becomes clear again - made in NRW.

  • Historicism is just one of the many focal points covered at the Rheinbach Glass Museum
    Stadt Rheinbach, Historicism is just one of the many focal points covered at the Rheinbach Glass Museum
    RheinbachRheinbach Glass MuseumLearn more
  • Almost all the machines, drop hammers and presses date back to the founding years
    LVR-Industriemuseum, Almost all the machines, drop hammers and presses date back to the founding years
    SolingenLVR Industrial Museum Hendrichs drop forgeLearn more
  • The silhouette of the KERAMION resembles the shape of a potter's wheel
    Tourismus NRW e.V., The silhouette of the KERAMION resembles the shape of a potter's wheel
    FrechenKERAMIONLearn more
  • The huge looms are more than impressive
    Tourismus NRW e.V., The huge looms are more than impressive
    EuskirchenLVR Industrial Museum Müller Cloth FactoryLearn more
  • The LVR Industrial Museum even shows how wool is processed using running machines
    Tourismus NRW e.V., The LVR Industrial Museum even shows how wool is processed using running machines
    RatingenLVR Industrial Museum Cromford Textile FactoryLearn more
  • Not all knives are the same, as everyone in Solingen knows. Find out more about knives at the German Blade Museum in Solingen
    Tourismus NRW e.V., Not all knives are the same, as everyone in Solingen knows. The German Blade Museum in Solingen tells you more about knives
    SolingenGerman Blade MuseumLearn more
  • The German Textile Museum is located in the picturesque district of Linn, near the castle of the same name
    Tourismus NRW e.V., The German Textile Museum is located in the picturesque district of Linn, near the castle of the same name
    KrefeldGerman Textile MuseumLearn more