Das Kaiser Wilhelm Museum zählt mit Haus Lange und Haus Esters zu den Kunstmuseen Krefeld
Tourismus NRW e.V., Johannes Höhn, Das Kaiser Wilhelm Museum zählt mit Haus Lange und Haus Esters zu den Kunstmuseen Krefeld

Art museumsHigh-calibre with history

Art is high on the agenda for your next holiday in North Rhine-Westphalia! Even in more rural regions, this cultural state offers the opportunity to discover fabulous paintings, prints and sculptures in internationally renowned museums. Wealthy and art-loving citizens have given cities such as Krefeld, Siegen and Düren unique collections of expressionism, classical modernism and exciting contemporary art. The exhibition venues are often works of art in their own right and boast spectacular museum architecture. For example in Mönchengladbach or Herford. If you like, you can even perfectly complement an art trip here with a visit to a former Benedictine abbey or a historic town centre, for example.

  • The administration tower of the Abteiberg site is an eye-catcher and popular photo motif
    Johannes Höhn, Tourismus NRW e.V., The administration tower of the Abteiberg site is an eye-catcher and popular photo motif
    MönchengladbachMuseum AbteibergLearn more
  • Aerial view of the Marta Herford, designed by Frank Gehry
    Tourismus NRW e.V. / Teutoburger Wald Tourismus, Aerial view of the Marta Herford, designed by Frank Gehry
    HerfordMarta HerfordLearn more
  • The Museum of Contemporary Art Siegen is integrated into the Lower Castle
    Tanja Evers, Touristikverband Siegen-Wittgenstein e.V., The Museum of Contemporary Art Siegen is integrated into the Lower Castle
    SiegenMuseum of Contemporary Art SiegenLearn more
  • Moyland Castle is a moated castle near Bedburg-Hau
    Dominik Ketz, Tourismus NRW e.V., Moyland Castle is a moated castle near Bedburg-Hau
    Bedburg-HauMoyland CastleLearn more
  • The museum was opened in 1905 in memory of the industrialist Leopold Hoesch
    Tourismus NRW e.V., The museum was opened in 1905 in memory of the industrialist Leopold Hoesch
    DürenLeopold Hoesch Museum & Paper Museum DürenLearn more
  • Collection with loose ends: Room view with works by Sigmar Polke, Günter Weseler, Danica Dakić, Gerhard Richter, 2015
    KNRW, Foto: Carl Brunn, Collection with loose ends: Room view with works by Sigmar Polke, Günter Weseler, Danica Dakić, Gerhard Richter, 2015
    AachenKunsthaus NRW KornelimünsterLearn more
  • Garden side of House Esters
    Volker Döhne, Kunstmuseen Krefeld, Garden side of House Esters
    KrefeldArt museums in KrefeldLearn more
  • The Ahlen Art Museum has masterpieces from classical modernism to the present day in store for art fans
    Kunstmuseum Ahlen, The Ahlen Art Museum has masterpieces from classical modernism to the present day in store for art fans
    AhlenAhlen Art MuseumLearn more
  • The photography forum of the StädteRegion Aachen is located in the idyllic town of Monschau in the Eifel region
    Karin Handrich, The photography forum of the StädteRegion Aachen is located in the idyllic town of Monschau in the Eifel region
    MonschauPhotography Forum of the StädteRegion AachenLearn more