Die Roboter Peter und Petra begrüßen Gäste im Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum in Paderborn
Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum, Die Roboter Peter und Petra begrüßen Gäste im Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum in Paderborn

Museums of Natural History and ScienceExperience sites invite you on a journey of discovery

Exploring, experimenting, researching and trying things out are clearly at the centre of some popular adventure sites. Visitors take part in entire series of experiments that, for example, challenge the senses and make heads spin. Planetariums whisk space pilots away to distant stars and alien galaxies, while various aspects of everyday life play a role in diverse permanent exhibitions. Some institutions have even dedicated themselves entirely to the depiction of one element, while other centres explain scientific relationships between flora and fauna from a natural history perspective. If you want to find out more about the laws of physics, chemical processes or technical advances, there are many ways to broaden your horizons in the educational centres.

  • The Aquarius Water Museum is housed in a former water tower. Experiments, adventure worlds and experience spaces can be found on a total of 14 levels
    RWW, Andreas Köhring, The Aquarius Water Museum is housed in a former water tower. Experiments, adventure worlds and experience spaces can be found on a total of 14 levels
    Mülheim an der RuhrAquarius Water MuseumLearn more
  • DASA provides exciting insights into selected professions
    Frank Vinken, Düsseldorf, DASA provides exciting insights into selected professions
    DortmundDASA Working World ExhibitionLearn more
  • The Energeticon in Alsdorf shines in blue light in the evening
    Andreas Palmen, The Energeticon in Alsdorf shines in blue light in the evening
    AlsdorfEnergeticonLearn more
  • The Galileo Park shows unimagined panoramas
    Galileo Park, The Galileo Park shows unimagined panoramas
    LennestadtGalileo ParkLearn more
  • Robots Peter and Petra have made themselves at home in the exhibition halls
    Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum, Robots Peter and Petra have made themselves at home in the exhibition halls
    PaderbornHeinz Nixdorf MuseumsForumLearn more
  • The LWL Museum of Archaeology and Culture is an archaeological cabinet of curiosities
    LWL, O. Kalus, The LWL Museum of Archaeology and Culture is an archaeological cabinet of curiosities
    HerneLWL Museum of Archaeology and CultureLearn more
  • LWL Museum of Natural History Exhibits
    LWL Museum of Natural History Exhibits
    MünsterLWL Museum of Natural HistoryLearn more
  • The Museum Alexander Koenig in Bonn enjoys a leading reputation in its field as a zoological research museum
    ZFMK, The Museum Koenig Bonn enjoys a leading reputation in its field as a zoological research museum
    BonnMuseum Koenig BonnLearn more
  • The Phänomania Erfahrungsfeld adventure museum is located on the grounds of the Zollverein UNESCO World Heritage Site
    Michael Gohl, The Phänomania Erfahrungsfeld adventure museum is located on the grounds of the Zollverein UNESCO World Heritage Site
    EssenPhenomania field of experienceLearn more
  • One of the most modern projection systems in the world shows distant stars and planets in the Zeiss Planetarium Bochum
    Stadt Bochum Presse und Informationsamt Planetarium, One of the most modern projection systems in the world shows distant stars and planets in the Zeiss Planetarium Bochum
    BochumZeiss Planetarium BochumLearn more