Die Zeche und Kokerei Zollverein wurden am 14. Dezember 2001 als „Industriekomplex Zeche Zollverein“ in die Welterbeliste der UNESCO aufgenommen
Tourismus NRW e.V., Johannes Höhn, Die Zeche und Kokerei Zollverein wurden am 14. Dezember 2001 als „Industriekomplex Zeche Zollverein“ in die Welterbeliste der UNESCO aufgenommen

Smelters, collieries, coking plantsWitnesses to the mining history of NRW

The smelters, collieries and coking plants are witnesses to the mining history of North Rhine-Westphalia. In the past, they were centres of mining and coal processing, starting points for the economic upturn in Germany. But they were also places of hard labour and social cohesion between the coal and steel miners. Today, the handling of the historical heritage of the industrial age is considered a model for industrial sites on all continents. Places such as the Zollverein UNESCO World Heritage Site and the Duisburg-Nord Landscape Park are a focal point for exhibition fans and those interested in history and culture. They offer interesting exhibitions that go far beyond the mining theme, exciting discovery trails, ascents to via ferratas and blast furnaces, industrial nature, concert venues and open-air cinemas, often with a wide range of guided tours.

  • The Doppelbock winding tower is the landmark of the Zollverein UNESCO World Heritage Site
    Jochen Tack, Stiftung Zollverein, The Doppelbock winding tower is the landmark of the Zollverein UNESCO World Heritage Site
    EssenZollverein UNESCO World Heritage SiteLearn more
  • The Piazza Metallica is one of the main attractions in the Duisburg-Nord Landscape Park. In the dark, the historic industrial facilities can be admired from here in a play of light
    Daniel Fischer, The Piazza Metallica is one of the main attractions in the Duisburg-Nord Landscape Park. In the dark, the historic industrial facilities can be admired from here in a play of light
    DuisburgDuisburg-Nord Landscape ParkLearn more
  • The pay hall was once where the miners' wages were paid. Today, exhibitions for guests are held here
    LWL-Museum, M. Holtappels, The pay hall was once where the miners' wages were paid. Today, exhibitions for guests are held here
    DortmundLWL-Museum Zeche ZollernLearn more
  • The Henrichshütte blast furnace is the largest and most important exhibit in the museum
    LWL-Museum, Annette Hudemann, The Henrichshütte blast furnace is the largest and most important exhibit in the museum
    HattingenLWL Museum HenrichshütteLearn more
  • The huge steam engine still stands in the engine house on the Nachtigall colliery site today
    LWL-Museum, Annette Hudemann, The huge steam engine still stands in the engine house on the Nachtigall colliery site today
    WittenLWL Museum Zeche NachtigallLearn more
  • At first glance, the winding tower at Hannover Colliery could have been taken from a castle
    LWL-Museum, At first glance, the winding tower at Hannover Colliery could have been taken from a castle
    BochumLWL Museum Hanover CollieryLearn more
  • The Hansa coking plant is one of the anchor points of the Route of Industrial Heritage, which connects the most important industrial monuments in the Ruhr region
    Stiftung Industriedenkmalpflege und Geschichtskultur, Werner J. Hannappel, The Hansa coking plant is one of the anchor points of the Route of Industrial Heritage, which connects the most important industrial monuments in the Ruhr region
    DortmundHansa Coking PlantLearn more
  • Exterior view of the St. Antony hut in spring
    LVR-Industriemuseum, Exterior view of the St. Antony hut in spring
    OberhausenLVR Industrial Museum St. Antony IronworksLearn more