You can enjoy the pleasant effect of the clean air on benches and deckchairs
Tourismus NRW e.V., You can enjoy the pleasant effect of the pure air on benches and deckchairs

Kluterthöhle National Natural Monument


Speleology meets medicine: the Kluterthöhle cave in Ennepetal not only offers an impressive natural spectacle of underground lakes, mysterious passages and fossilized creatures. Since 1954, it has also been able to call itself a "climate cave" due to its outstanding therapeutic effects and is also a regular venue for extraordinary cultural events. But let's start at the beginning.

It happened a good 385 million years ago. The land was still covered by a tropical sea. But at some point, the water level dropped and the seabed formed a huge mountain range. Cracks and fissures formed, the limestone dissolved and the Kluterthöhle cave was created - one of the best-preserved (fossilized) coral reefs in Europe. This is one of the reasons why the cave system in Ennepetal has been designated the second National Natural Monument in NRW after the Bruchhauser Steinen in the Sauerland Rothaargebirge Nature Park.

Rare wealth of fossils

Cleaned of the dust of centuries, modern LED lighting bathes the underground lakes and fossilized creatures such as sponges, shells and corals in a mysterious light. Visitors can immerse themselves in this bizarre cave with 380 corridors and a wealth of fossils that is rare in Europe on various themed tours. On the "Fossil Journey", for example, they walk over formerly buried streams, meet the ancestor of the living fossil "Nautilus" (pearl boat) and experience a light show with background music.

Make yourself a culture pack!

Fascinating cave world and coral reef

Discover the subterranean beauty of one of the largest accessible caves in the country on the open tour "First Entrance". Become an explorer yourself and explore the national geotope on themed tours.

  • The town of Ennepetal, home to the Kluterthöhle cave, is located on the southern edge of the Ruhr region.
  • Discover the subterranean beauty of Europe's best-preserved coral reef on one of the many themed tours. You can also become an explorer yourself and explore the national natural monument.
  • Back from the "underworld", treat your taste buds to one of the nationally renowned delicacies in the Hülsenbecke café and restaurant.
  • When the weather is fine, the Hülsenbecke valley with its charming landscape and the Café Haus Martfeld Hülsenbecke is also a great place for a relaxing coffee break.
  • The hike over the Klutertberg takes a good three hours. But it's worth it: from the heights you can enjoy wonderful views of the city and the Ruhr region. A tour description is available at Haus Ennepetal.
  • Excursion tip: You can enjoy expansive views of the Ennepetalsperre dam on a hike "Along the Ennepe", which leads over 20 kilometres past the river and to the dam.
  • Overnight tip: Romantikhotel Fritz am Brunnen in Schwelm or the Hotel Alte Redaktion in Gevelsberg.

Important information at a glance

  • Open all day
    Tuesday10:00 - 16:00
    Wednesday10:00 - 16:00
    Thursday10:00 - 16:00
    Friday10:00 - 16:00
    Saturday10:00 - 16:30
    Sunday10:00 - 16:30

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