The LWL Museum Henrichenburg Ship's Hoist is the largest structure on the Dortmund-Ems Canal
LWL-Museum, Sebastian Cintio, The LWL Museum Henrichenburg Ship's Hoist is the largest structure on the Dortmund-Ems Canal

LWL Museum Ship's Hoist


Over 100 years later, visitors are still amazed by this largest structure on the Dortmund-Ems Canal. The gigantic elevator has been lying idle for over 40 years. The museum brings the history of the lift and the people on the canal back to life.

A staircase leads up to the bridge between the two main towers. From here you can enjoy a fantastic view of the steel structure and the vast canal landscape near Waltrop. In the historic machine hall, you can find out how the waterway and the hoist were built. Using a model, you can learn about the technology used by inland waterway vessels to overcome the 14-metre step in the canal.

The collection of floating tools and historic ships moored in the outer harbor of the boat lift is unique. On board, for example, you can find out how a typical bargeman's family worked and lived 50 years ago. The historic ships are sent out on special occasions. The passenger ship "Henrichenburg" departs from the museum quay several times a day.

Opening hours:
Tuesday to Sunday and on public holidays: 10:00 - 18:00

Important information about accessibility: certificates

  • All areas relevant for testing meet the quality criteria of the label "Accessibility certified - partially accessible for people with walking disabilities".

    Some information on accessibility are listed below. For detailed information please see the evaluation report.

    • There is one marked parking space for people with disabilities (parking space size: 350 cm x 500 cm).
    • The terrain is steplessly accessible.
    • External paths are easy to walk on and drive on and have a maximum longitudinal gradient of up to 3 %. Exception is the path between the boiler house, elevator and WC with 10 % longitudinal gradient.
    • Almost all evaluated rooms and facilities available to the guests are steplessly accessible via ramps and elevators. Exception: The shafts and floats in the old ship lift as well as the towers are only accessible via stairs.
    • Ramps have a maximum gradient of 6 % over a maximum length of 12 metres.
    • The elevator cabins measure at least 110 cm x 153 cm. The elevator doors are 90 cm wide.
    • Almost all evaluated passageways/doors available to the guests are at least 88 cm wide. Exceptions are doors/passages in areas accessible only via steps.
    • The cash desk is at its lowest point 76 cm high.
    • Seating is partially available on the outside area.
    • The exhibits and objects are predominately visible when seated. The information on the exhibits and objects is predominately readable when seated.
    • There are no guided tours available for people with walking impairments and wheelchair users.
    • Offered aids: wheelchair

    Public toilet for people with disabilities under the ticket office

    • The manoeuvring spaces are:
      in front of/behind the door, in front of the toilet and the washbasin at least 106 cm x 150 cm;
      left of the toilet 90 cm x 55 cm, no manoeuvring space on the right.
    • There are grab rails available on the right and left of the toilet. The grab rail on the left of the toilet can be flipped-up.
    • The sink is wheelchair compatible.
    • The mirror can be seen while standing or sitting.
    • An alarm trigger is available.

    Public toilet for people with disabilities in the harbour master building

    • The manoeuvring spaces are:
      in front of/behind the door, in front of the toilet and the washbasin at least 123 cm x 150 cm;
      left and right of the toilet 90 cm x 50 cm.
    • There are grab rails available on the right and left of the toilet. The grab rails can be flipped-up.
    • The sink is wheelchair compatible.
    • The mirror is not visible while sitting.
    • An alarm trigger is available.

    Public toilet for people with disabilities in the workshop building

    • The manoeuvring spaces are:
      in front of/behind the door at least 150 cm x 150 cm;
      in front of the toilet 120 cm x 150 cm;
      in front of the washbasin 87 cm x 145 cm;
      left of the toilet 90 cm x 50 cm, no manoeuvring space on the right.
    • There is a grab rail on the right side of the toilet. The grab rail cannot be flipped-up.
    • The sink is wheelchair compatible.
    • The mirror is not visible while standing.
    • An alarm trigger is available.

    Public toilet for people with disabilities in container (headwater)

    • The manoeuvring spaces are:
      in front of/behind the door and in front of the toilet 150 cm x 150 cm;
      in front of the washbasin 120 cm x 150 cm;
      left of the toilet 80 cm x 55 cm, no manoeuvring space on the right.
    • There are grab rails available on the right and left of the toilet. The grab rail on the left of the toilet can be flipped-up.
    • The sink is wheelchair compatible.
    • The mirror can be seen while standing or sitting.
    • An alarm trigger is available.
    Detailed information for people with walking difficulties and wheelchair users
  • Some information on accessibility are listed below. For detailed information please see the evaluation report.

    • There is no clearly visible alarm.
    • There is no audio induction loop system.
    • An outgoing emergency call in the elevators is confirmed audibly.
    • The information about the exhibits and objects is conveyed in written and audible form. 
    • Guided tours for people with hearing impairment and deaf people (in German sign language) are offered. A reservation in advance is necessary.
    Detailed information for people with hearing impairments and hearing loss
  • Some information on accessibility are listed below. For detailed information please see the evaluation report.

    • Assistance dogs are allowed in relevant areas/rooms.
    • External paths have no continuous visually contrasting or tactilely detectable sidewalk boundaries.
    • The entrances are visually rich in contrast, but not recognizable by a tactile change of floor covering.
    • The evaluated areas that can be used by the guest are predominantly well lit, i.e. bright and glare-free.
    • There are no visually contrasting or tactilely detectable floor indicators available.
    • The signage is designed in clearly legible and contrasting font.
    • There are glass doors without safety markings.
    • An outgoing emergency call in the elevators is confirmed audibly. The break position is not announced by spoken commands. The operating controls are visually rich in contrast and tactilely detectable. Alternatively stairs are available.
    • Steps are not visually rich in contrast and do not always have handrails.
    • The exhibits in the exhibitions are usually well illuminated.
    • The information about the exhibits and objects is conveyed in written and audible form. 
    • Guided tours for people with visual impairments and blind people are offered. A reservation in advance is necessary.
    • Information is not available in Braille or prismatic font.
    Detailed information for people with visual impairments and the blind
  • Some information on accessibility are listed below. For detailed information please see the evaluation report.

    • The name or logo of the facility is clearly recognizable from the outside.
    • There is no colored or pictorial guidance system available.
    • The information about the exhibits and objects is conveyed in written and audible form, but not in easy language. 
    • Guided tours for people with cognitive impairments are offered. A reservation in advance is necessary.
    Detailed information for people with walking difficulties and wheelchair users

Important information at a glance

  • Tuesday - Sunday and public holidays: 10:00 - 18:00
    Last admission 5.30 pm

    Closed on Mondays (except public holidays)

    Open today
    Tuesday10:00 - 18:00
    Wednesday10:00 - 18:00
    Thursday10:00 - 18:00
    Friday10:00 - 18:00
    Saturday10:00 - 18:00
    Sunday10:00 - 18:00

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