As a member-oriented mobility service provider, ADAC takes care of the key mobility issues of tomorrow. The focus is on members' personal mobility as well as digitalization and networking in transport and mobility issues. The ADAC sees itself as a helper, safer and guide for all mobility needs - whether for drivers or cyclists, public transport users or pedestrians, young or old.
Founded in 1903, the "Allgemeine Deutsche Automobil-Club (ADAC) e.V." is Germany's largest automobile club with 20 million members. The many member services offered by ADAC e.V. include breakdown assistance, consumer protection, motor sport, tourism, journalistic member advice, road safety and the club magazine "ADAC Motorwelt".
In the ADAC Centers and travel agencies, visitors can obtain individual solutions for all aspects of safety, travel and mobility. Whether first-aid kit, vignette or complete winter package, travel offers and advice - a comprehensive range of products awaits on site. In addition, the ADAC NRW benefits program offers discounts on travel, leisure and vehicles with many partners. The ADAC Centers also offer discounted tickets for many musicals, leisure parks and events. In the ADAC test centers, members can have their vehicles checked with modern testing equipment. Anyone who is also interested in excursions, leisure activities and barrier-free travel offers within NRW will find what they are looking for in numerous brochures and travel offers.